Upon presentation of a duly authorized SAFETY FOOTWEAR DISCOUNT VOUCHER, an employee ( or their family/friends –see below for more details) is entitled to the following discounts at any of the REDDHART WORKWORK stores , or the on-line E-commerce site
. Any CSA Footwear 15%
. Carhartt Clothing 20%
. BOLLE Safety Eyewear 20%
. Footbeds & Socks 10%
. all NON-CSA Footwear 10%
If you are visiting a store in person, take your authorized Voucher with you and present it at the store.
If you are purchasing ON-LINE , first send us a copy or image of your Voucher, either by email to graeme@reddhart.ca or by text message to 403.829.3891
then proceed as follows with one of these 2 options
- send an email to GRAEME@REDDHART.CA with a listing of the styles/sizes/colors of the items you require. We will set up a secure order for you and apply the applicable discounts and send it to you for payment, or
- use the Shopping Cart feature to add the items you require. When you have finished adding all the items you require, DO NOT PROCEED TO THE PAYMENT PAGE, just leave your order in DRAFT. We will verify availability of the items, and apply the applicable discounts. You will then be notified that you can complete the PAYMENT process.
Purchases can be made for any friends or family, and the above discounts will also be applied for them, subject to the 2 following restrictions
- all items must be shipped to a single address, and
- everything must be ordered at the same time.
Download a copy of the Safety Footwear Discount Voucher